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Vidéo Deltaplane

Deltaplane Sicile 2024

Beautiful shots of our delta Alto
with a very good drone pilot filming it from various angles.
Thanks to Francesco Paco Sottile


3dr FAI Test Event World Hang Gliding Sport Class Championship Italy

From 1 to 8 June 2024, they took place in the municipality of Laveno-Mombello (Va) Italy
It was a wonderful event that allowed me to meet hang glider pilots who are scattered around the world.
Unfortunately the weather conditions were not very favourable.
We only got to fly and compete for three days. it was very funny. Good vision
Francesco Paco Sottile

Piuma Toplandings

Reidar Berntsen : atterrissage au sommet à Hvittingfoss Norvège, 12 mai 2024

Piuma en hiver

Piuma is a fantastic glider, I will love flying in the Swissalps.
Video by Antoine Praz

Revue Piuma


Ignazio Bernardi effectue des loopings au-dessus du lac de Garde, en Italie.

Nader Couri s'envole vers le Corcovado à Rio de Janeiro

Le deltaplane n'est pas un crime

In memory of Guido Gehrmann.

4 friends went for a hang gliding trip into the Dolomites and came back with stunning pictures of nature and some video shots that never have been shown so pure and clear. Dive with flymovies into the world of flying.